5 Exciting Construction Projects in 2019: [New Structures Bolstering Hotspot Cities]

The construction industry declined in 2019, however, there are many bright spots! An article from Wells Fargo Securities in September of this year showed that federal and state spending was on the rise. In large part, this is due to spending in transportation, highway/street, and water projects. In light of this positive trend, let’s highlight some of these exciting projects!

Midtown Union – Atlanta

Start Time: November 2019

Estimated Completion: 2022

The Granite Properties-designed structure broke ground less than a week ago. There are 3 buildings in total, ranging from 26 to 12 floors. In a press release from November 25, 2019, Granite Properties outlines the specifications of each building and the special features that each contain.

One of the most exciting features included in the press release is a pedestrian-friendly extension of Arts Center Way. “Midtown Union will feature a pedestrian-friendly extension of Arts Center Way. This tree-lined passage will connect between Spring and West Peachtree Streets.” The official groundbreaking ceremony for The Midtown Union is scheduled for December 9, 2019.

Creighton University Campus – Phoenix

Start Time: July 2019

Estimated Completion: Spring 2021

A project is underway in Park Central, located in midtown Phoenix! Creighton University is located in Omaha Nebraska but enjoys a strong relationship with the Arizona medical community. The Creighton University Arizona Health Education Alliance formed in September 2017. Since then, the alliance has created one of the largest graduate medical education programs in Arizona.

According to an article by Creighton University, the project is estimated to cost $100 million. The land, purchased last year, will house the 180,000 square foot building. The developer, Plaza Companies, will be working with the general contractor OKland. This addition to the University will aid the construction industry, medical field, and most of all, the people of Phoenix.

Water Reclamation Facility – Salt Lake City

Start Time: October 2019

Estimated Completion: January 2025

According to a statement released by The Salt Lake City Public Utilities, “This new sewage treatment facility, will be one of the largest infrastructure improvements in our city for decades.” The project, the statement explains, is necessary to comply with state water quality standards set in place in 2016.

This project is estimated to cost $528 million. Not only will the new plant adhere to the 2016 water quality standards, but it will also serve as a needed replacement for the 55 year old water treatment plant currently in use.

Block 162, 675 15th Street – Denver

Start Time: June 2019

Estimated Completion: December 2020

The Denver skyline is getting some major upgrades! The Denver Post outlined 5 difference skyscraper projects that are currently under construction. The Patrinely Group is working in conjunction with USAA Real Estate Group. Gensler will design and construct the structure at 675 15th Street in Denver, Colorado.

Once completed, the 452 ft structure will be the 11th tallest building in Denver. According to The Denver Post, “The tower will feature 20 floors of premium office space atop 10 floors of above-ground parking. There are no tenants committed yet.”

LaGuardia Airport – New York City

Start Time: 2016

Estimated Completion: 2021

Image result for laguardia airport pictures"

Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced a plan for renovation of the LaGuardia Airport on June 27, 2015, but construction did not begin until 2016. This renovation will cost an estimated $8 billion. Even thought the full project is not estimated to be completed until 2021, a new Delta concourse has already debuted!

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