Staff Highlight: Chad Warren, Corporate Chaplain [The Give Initiative]

Here at JT Bates Insurance Group, we continually strive to make positive impacts on our customers’ lives, our employees’ lives and the lives of people with which they interact. To that end, we have appointed a Corporate Chaplain, Chad Warren.

About Chad Warren

Picture of Chad Warren, the newly appointed Corporate Chaplin.
Chad Warren – Corporate Chaplain

Chad Warren is passionate about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, his family, and spreading God’s love throughout the community. Working full-time as the Connections Pastor with First Baptist Church of Georgetown allows him to live out his passion.

Warren holds a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from Oregon State University, as well as a Master’s degree in Christian and Classical Studies from Knox Theological Seminary. He has an extensive background in pastoral leadership, campus ministry, and teaching. In his position as Corporate Chaplain, he will work closely with our CEO, Jayme Bates, and our directional team to help guide our company in a God-honoring manner.

The Give Initiative

“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of another.” – Charles Dickens

The Give Initiative is a plan developed by JT Bates Insurance Group to identify and establish guidelines for partnering with local and national organizations.

The Give Initiative Goals:

  • Honor God with all that He has given us.
  • Raise awareness of and encourage support for organizations that share our values and impact our communities.
  • Help those who are unable to help themselves.

We want to show our employees that we care about the causes they care about. In late 2019, Operations Manager Miriah Smith surveyed JT Bates Insurance Group employees, asking them several questions about volunteering, giving, and community outreach. Our employees provided feedback, with several employees suggesting specific partner organizations–the beginning of a growing list of organizations we will support as a company.

With the help of Chad Warren, our directional team, and our employees, we will accomplish our goals of honoring God, telling the stories of the organizations we care about, and improving our communities by helping those who cannot help themselves.

If you would like to learn more about our employees and company core values, click here. Also, click here to read more blogs about JT Bates news and company updates!